Duh???!! So sorry I forgot to blog this.
We are Officially DTC (Dossier To China) as of 7/3/08!!!!!!!!
There really is SO VERY much that goes into the Dossier. For example - Birth Certificates - mine and Dave's - not just a copy of the one we have - oh no! It must be a "live signature" copy and not older than 6 months. Well Dave's is from Wi and then it has to be certified. What does that mean exactly - well the person that signed his copy - we must get that signature certified at the State level by WI. Then this must be state level has to be certified at the federal level and at the Chinese Embassy. That is a total of 4 pieces of paper right there. BC went to Chicago - and we have to pay a courier fee for a person to take the docs there have the seals and signatures administered (that cost is separate) and then mail them back to us.
Now his birth certificate was the only one that we had to send to a different Embassy. The rest of our documents - mostly KY with the exception of my Birth Certificate - all went to DC. As in Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and then to the embassy. All other docs were a total of 5 pieces of paper.
Guess you get the idea that it is a lot of paperwork!! And it can be a very frustrating and tiresome process - I guess not much different than labor. This was our paperwork pregnancy - and not unlike a "regular" labor - I did most of the work. Dave said that this part really drove him nutz and he doesn't really get all that we have to do. Being the supportive, wonderful hubby that he is - he was an excellent "Coach"
Now we wait to find out our official Logged In Date -- or LID. From this date begins our countdown. The average wait for LOA right now is 60 - 90 days & we get to count every day not just work days. LOL This is not anything the agency gives us - just what I learn from a China Adoption message board.
So far our stats are:
LOI (letter of intent to adopt) 3/14/08
PA (Pre-Approval) 4/14/08
USCIS Approval 6/12/08
DTC 7/3/08
LID ???
LOA ???