Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Travel Approval!!!!!

Today we received an update on Aric's size etc. I had sent questions for the staff at his orphanage and didn't expect to get them back until we picked him up. So I was totally surprised when we received and email from Angela (ladybugsnlove service they are GREAT!!) with most of the questions answered. Wow!!! I was so excited I called Dave who was driving to Lexington to share all the questions & answers with him. :) And our boy is 41.5 " tall and 44 lbs - very healthy for his age. He is in the 50 percentile for Weight and 90th percentile for his age on Height - it's the Peds Nurse in me. The first thing I must do is plot him on a growth chart!! LOL These are only the 2nd measurements we have had!! Then it hit me!! The orphanage doesn't release any information/updates until the adopting family has Travel Approval.

I suggested to Dave that maybe our SWI/Orphanage knows something we do not.

It wasn't 1 hour after I opened the email that I received the call!! Mike called and calmly says "how are you doing?" "I don't know MIke, How am I doing??" We got TA - so of course we are doing GREAT!!!!

Now we do have to request our Consulate Appointment at the US Embassy and this is at the end of our trip so we work the days back from the appointment. He is requesting 12/15, 12/16, or 12/17 - you must list 3 choices and then they have up to 5 (very long ) days to get back with you to confirm. We are hoping to find out on Monday or before works too. Then we can make our flight arrangements and travel plans!!

Woo Hoo- I am seriously going to have to pack all of this stuff I have bought for this trip. I have purchase all kinds of medicines that I don't want to be without - just in case..... Mostly in non-liquid, dissolving forms for the kids. I must have them with us on the plane cause what if we need them? And what if they lose our bags??

No worries.... LOL We have TA!!!

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